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Posted by Anonymous on Mon 4th Apr 2016 11:57
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  1. #version=RHEL7
  2. # System authorization information
  3. auth --enableshadow --passalgo=sha512
  5. # Use CDROM installation media
  6. cdrom
  7. # Use graphical install
  8. graphical
  9. # Run the Setup Agent on first boot
  10. firstboot --enable
  11. ignoredisk --only-use=sda
  12. # Keyboard layouts
  13. keyboard --vckeymap=us --xlayouts='us'
  14. # System language
  15. lang en_US.UTF-8
  17. # Network information
  18. network  --bootproto=dhcp --device=enp0s3 --ipv6=auto --activate
  19. network  --hostname=localhost.localdomain
  20. # Root password
  21. rootpw --iscrypted $6$m8tD5YosW/smcP1E$VXmQ2F9dCnXy0yD.BD.q/WUNmk9a80Zh4xMQ24NCq07RYEDAKhA3W.yw2BsM.oidvpubPuudcE7K7TTZUmpVg0
  22. # System timezone
  23. timezone Asia/Tbilisi --isUtc,,,
  24. user --groups=wheel --homedir=/home/centoob --name=centoob --password=$6$8A5BD6wN8ISz5Et0$AIS09ygzpHW/I3pmyl/b1mlr4RYOrUL4dx13m.IdngPldh1qoz4vj4PseVY3rmK5EF1hSfW18yZR1wJOLTjwk. --iscrypted
  25. # System bootloader configuration
  26. bootloader --append=" crashkernel=auto" --location=mbr --boot-drive=sda
  27. autopart --type=lvm
  28. # Partition clearing information
  29. clearpart --none --initlabel
  31. %packages
  32. @core
  33. kexec-tools
  34. authconfig
  35. bash-completion
  36. chrony
  37. cyrus-sasl-plain
  38. elinks
  39. grub2
  40. ius-release
  41. kernel
  42. libzip
  43. lvm2
  44. mailx
  45. mariadb-server
  46. php56u
  47. php56u-gmp
  48. php56u-mysqlnd
  49. policycoreutils-python
  50. python-setuptools
  51. teamd
  52. tmux
  53. tree
  54. unzip
  55. vim-enhanced
  56. wget
  57. yum-plugin-replace
  58. yum-utils
  60. %end
  62. %addon com_redhat_kdump --enable --reserve-mb='auto'
  64. %end

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